Right of Revocation
Consumers (every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for a purpose that is outside his trade, business or profession) may revoke the order within a revocation period of two weeks in written form without further specifications of reasons (e.g. letter, fax or e-mail) or by returning the goods. The revocation period shall commence upon receipt of this notification in writing, however, in the case of the supply of goods, not before the day on which they reach the receiver (in the case of recurring deliveries of goods of the same kind, not before the day on which the first part delivery reaches the receiver) and not before us fulfilling our duties to provide information under paragraph § 312 c section 2 BGB in conjunction with § 1 sections 1, 2 and 4 BGB-InfoV and fulfilling our duties under § 312 e section 1 clause 1 BGB in conjunction with § 3 BGB-InfoV.
Sending the notice of revocation or the goods within the time limit shall be sufficient to amount to compliance to the revocation period
The notice of revocation or the goods must be sent to:
Brigade Commerz - Audio Arts Archives
Robert Eikmeyer & Dr. Oliver Hutmacher GbR
Calwer Straße 133
D-75175 Pforzheim
Fax.: 0049 - (0)7231 - 63576
E-Mail: info@brigadecommerz.com
Effects of Withdrawal
In case of an effective revocation, any performance received by one party is to be returned to the respective other. If you cannot return the goods received in whole or in part, or if you can only return the received goods in a deteriorated state, you must pay compensation for value insofar. There is no obligation to pay compensation for value, if the sole cause of deterioration of the good(s) received was the inspection of the respective good(s), as would have been possible in a retail shop. You can avoid paying compensation for value in respect of deterioration in the good(s) as a result of their/ its proper use, if you do not use the good(s) the way you use your own property and refrain from doing anything that would curtail the value of the good(s). If the value of the order does not exceed an amount of 40 Euros and the good(s) delivered correspond to those ordered or if in case of a higher price of the good(s) you have not yet rendered consideration or given a contractually agreed partial payment at the time of revocation, you must bear the costs of the return shipment. In other cases the costs of return shipment will be borne by Brigade Commerz. If the good(s) cannot be sent by parcel it / they will be picked up. Obligatory refunds of payments must be made within 30 days after sending the revocation or returning the goods, for us with their receipt.
Exclusion of the Right of Withdrawal
The right of revocation does not exist for contracts for the supply of goods produced according to customer specifications or clearly tailored to personal needs or which, by reason of their quality, are not suitable for return or may spoil quickly or whose expiration date would be exceeded, for the delivery of audio or video recordings or of software where the seal on the data carriers has been broken by the consumer, for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals and magazines, unless the consumer has given his contractual acceptance by telephone. Your Right Withdrawal shall expire prematurely if the contract has been completely fulfilled at the specific request of both parties before you have made use of your Right of Withdrawal. Stipulated payment obligations may have to be fulfilled (during the period) up to revocation.
Shipping Costs
The calculation of the shipping charges result:
We ship with DHL. See list of prices and products for national and international shipping here
Conditions of payment
PayPal or use your debit or credit card to pay with PayPal