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Jonathan Meese goes pop

Eagerly awaited the premiere of the opera "Mondparsifal Alpha 1 - 8 “ will take place on the 4th of May at the Wiener Festwochen. In the forerun lots of things are going on:

A feature about Meese in Weltkunst, the art magazine of the German newspaper ZEIT, and a long interview in Artforum international are evidences that Meese's vision of a dictatorship of art is been taken more and more seriously: Art will rule the world!

"Art ≠ Design" was a prominent statement on a large poster with Brigade Commerz in 2016. The image now prominently illustrates the interview in the current issue of Kunstforum International.

Kunst ≠ Design 2016, 841 x 1189 mm DIN A0

Kunst ≠ Design 2016, 841 x 1189 mm DIN A0, Foto: Jan Bauer

Don't miss the few signed and lettered copies that are available via email

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